You found the right website if you are searching for homes for sale in Placitas, NM. Our website has EVERY Placitas home for sale in New Mexico listed with Southwest MLS (SWMLS).
Placitas is a populated place in Montecello Canyon just southeast of Monticello on Highway 142 in Sierra County, New Mexico, United States. The elevation of Placitas is 5,203 feet. It has a population of 576 as of 2020.
The correct name of this town appears to be up for debate. In his book “The Place Names of New Mexico,” Robert Julyan states that the town’s inhabitants call it “Las Placitas.” Despite that he calls it Placita. The local highway signage in Sierra County uses “Placita”. The Geographic Names Information Service calls it Placitas (GNIS FID: 909751) and Placitas appears under that name on the Monticello U.S. Geological Survey Map.